Festival Schedule & Performances


Friday, July 26th, 7:30pm - Nimbus Dance Performs with the Bar Harbor Music Festival

Tickets $15 - $35 Available Here

This live music collaboration with the Bar Harbor Music Festival includes Nimbus Artistic Director Samuel Pott’s interpretation of Aaron Copland’s Appalachian Spring which has been performed to wide critical and audience acclaim with the Boston Symphony at Tanglewood, with the New Jersey Symphony, and in theaters throughout the Northeast. The Friday program also includes Mr. Pott’s Surface Tension, a work inspired by the coastline of Maine, and which extrapolates on the rocky border between land and sea, to elucidate the fluid connection and separation between individuals, all set to the piano music of Brahms and Liszt.

Saturday, July 27th, 11am - Dances for the Young (& Old)! Family Friendly Matinee

Tickets - $15 Available Here

A family-friendly performance designed to introduce younger audience members to the concert dance experience through storytelling, including a narrated work Honor Among Thieves, and other dances with appeal for all ages. 

Check out this review from 2022 festival from the Mount Desert Islander: https://www.mdislander.com/living/arts-a-living/acadia-gets-its-dance-on#